To illustrate why one might want to consider renters insurance, we would like to share a short story about a young couple and a recent experience with their apartment. Like most modern couples, this … [Read more...]
Fire Safety During the Holidays
The time for the annual winter holidays is on our doorstep. With that comes a lot of good cheer, celebrations, and spending quality time with your loved ones. Unfortunately, according to the National … [Read more...]
Special Limits of Coverage
Most of us are aware of the fact that there are limits to the amount an insurance policy covers for different types of property. A well-known example is jewelry coverage. Some of these limits appear … [Read more...]
Prevent Email Phishing
October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month. So, we thought educating others about what cybersecurity is all about and what you can do to prevent it. Businesses both big and small are regularly targeted … [Read more...]
Tips for Teen Drivers
Ever since teenagers started driving, adults have told them what to do. It’s with good reason; teens are three times more likely to be in an accident before age 18 than a more experienced adult is. … [Read more...]